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Tadej Kenig


Professor of clarinet at the Ljubljana Academy of Music

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Born in Slovenia in 1978, Tadej Kenig studied at the University of Ljubljana, Academy of Music in the class of Slavko Goričar and the Musikakademie der Stadt Basel in the class of François Benda gaining his diplomas in 2001 and 2004 respectively.
His professional orchestral career began in 2001 when he was engaged as of the Neues Orchester Basel. In 2003 he won the Principal Clarinet audition in the Slovenian National Theatre Opera and Balet Ljubljana, where he is still holding his position as a principal clarinetist.
He has won a number of awards at various competitions, prominent among them being first prizes in the categories of chamber music and clarinet at the Slovenian National Competition for Young Musicians in 1996, 1998, 2000 and 2001, as well as the first prize in the category of solo clarinet at the Marco Fiorindo International Competition in the Italian city of Turin in 2002. Mr. Kenig has also received the Prešern Award of Ljubljana University for special achievement in music.
He has given successful performances in Slovenia and abroad as a soloist and chamber musician playing with Adriars Trio and Artvento Wind Quintet. A list of countries where he played includes Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Germany, France, Switzerland, India, Croatia, and others. He has played with the Slovenian Philharmonic, Basle Symphony Orchestra, Bratislava Chamber Orchestra, Orchestra of the Slovenian National Theatre in Ljubljana, Ensemble Cantus under the batons of renowned conductors, such as Marko Letonja, Stefan Sanderling, Othmar Maga, Loris Voltolini, Berislav Šipuš... He was involved in projects of contemporary composers such as Krzysztof Penderecki, Heinz Holliger, Jürg Henneberger, Jürg Wyttenbach, ... His brilliant and skillful performances have inspired a number of Slovenian composers to dedicate their compositions to him.
Diskography: »Dialogue de l'ombre double« (2007, Cantus d.o.o., Zagreb HDS), »Molly Brallaghan, Quintet Artvento and friends« (2008, Whoopee Records, Nemčija), »Vivid Air« (2010, Aucourant Records, ZDA), »Alojz Ajdič: Skladbe za klarinet« (2010, KD ADRIARS, Si), »Pushing Forward« (2013, KD ADRIARS, Si), »Artvento Atelje« (2012, KD ADRIARS, Si)
He is professor of clarinet at the Ljubljana (Slovenia) Academy of music and a guest professor at the Univesity of Novi Sad. He has taught on numerous moasterclasses and workshops at prestigious Universities such as Musikakademie der Stadt Basel, Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana, UDK Berlin…among others.