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Tiago Correia

Alto Saxophone

Main Director at Projecto Orquestra Estúdio de Mangualde (POEMa)

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Tiago Correia was born in 1985 in Barcelos, Portugal. In recent years, he has developed an intense professional activity as a teacher, saxophonist, and conductor. He is a versatile musician and performer of a very broad repertoire, encompassing music from different periods (from the 17th century to the present day) and various styles (classical, jazz, world music, and even rock). He is characterized by having a dynamic and entrepreneurial personality, having created and developed several pedagogical and artistic projects from scratch, including the Orquestra de Sopros Portuguesa, the Academia Europeia de Direção de Banda (European Academy of Band Conducting), PlusSax (collective saxophone teaching), and more recently, the academy The Conducting Lab, in which he teaches his own conducting and band classes.
His interest in conducting began in 2006, the year he started conducting studies and began leading his first musical ensemble. He holds a degree in music and a master's degree in music teaching with a specialization in saxophone, having studied under professors João Figueiredo and Henrique Portovedo. In addition to his saxophone studies, he pursued a master's degree in wind orchestra conducting at the Piaget Institute in Viseu, under the direction of maestro Paulo Martins. As part of his training as a conductor, he attended classes with maestros Alberto Roque, André Granjo, Javier Viceiro, Teodoro Aparício-Barberán (orchestration), François Boulanger, Jan Cober, Alex Schillings, Jean-Sébastien Béreau, Douglas Bostock, and Baldur Brönnimann. In July 2024, he participated in the 5th International Conducting Academy of the Orquestra de Câmara de Cascais e Oeiras, under the guidance of Ricardo Averbach and Nikolay Lalov.
As a conductor, he has conducted various instrumental formations such as bands, big bands, orchestras, and choirs. He has had the opportunity to conduct the Banda de Música de Pontevedra, the orchestra of the musical Les Misérables (national premiere with Contracanto Associação Cultural), the Banda Sinfónica da PSP (Police Band), the European Union Youth Wind Orchestra (in a masterclass context during the 2017 World Music Contest in Kerkrade), and the Banda Sinfónica Portuguesa (as part of the VIII International Composition Contest of BSP 2020). In May 2023, as a result of the competition opened by the Federación Galega de Bandas de Música Populares, he was elected—for that year—principal conductor of the Banda Sinfónica Xuvenil Galega and assistant conductor of the Banda Sinfónica Galega.
He has conducted symphonic-choral concerts in collaboration with the Orfeão de Águeda, Grupo Coral de Abraveses, Coral Lopes Morago, Coro Diocesano de São Teotónio (Viseu), Grupo Coral Canto e Encanto, and Magnus D’om. He has organized and conducted various wind orchestra and classical/symphonic orchestra workshops.
As a principal conductor, he is currently active in the Projeto Orquestra Estúdio de Mangualde (POEMa) and the Banda Filarmónica Ovarense. Since 2009, he has been a saxophone and ensemble class teacher at the Conservatório Regional de Música de Viseu. He is also responsible for the pedagogical direction of the "Academia de Música de Fornos de Algodres" (Guarda) and the "POEMinha" project. He is a Buffet-Crampon artist.