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Damjan Begovic


Soloist with the Montenegrin Symphony Orchestra

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Damjan Begović was born in 1992 in Kotor. He gratuated from Vatroslav Lisinski High School of Music (Belgrade). Further education continues at Ljubljana Academy of Music (Slovenia), after which he was granted a Government Exellence Scholarship from Swiss Confederation through the Erasmus program to study at Hochschule fur Musik Luzern with Paolo Beltramini. After Luzern he returned to Ljubljana to finish his master’s degree with prof. Jože Kotar and then pursuits his specialization at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade in the class of prof. Veljko Klenkovski, which he received with highest grade. He attended many masterclasses with esteemed artists such as Francois Benda, Veljko Klenkovski, Ognjen Popović, Jože Kotar amongst others.
As a soloist Begović performed with Deutsche Streicherphilharmonie and Montenegrin Symphony Orchestra at which he works since 2016. During studies he perfomed with Junge Philharmonie Zentralschweiz at KKL in Luzern. Belgrade Philharmonics invited him to perform under the baton of Gabriel Feltz. He collaborated with conductors and artists such as Michael Sanderling, Roman Simović, Ivo Pogorelić, Jean-Paul Gasparian, Radovan Vlatković, Mark Korovich, Uroš Lajovic, Srba Dinić, Sreten Krstić, Holly Hyun Choe, Miguel Romea, Israel Yinon, Robert Homen, Johannes Moser, Ronald Zollman, David Kohen, Bojan Suđić, Grigorij Krasko etc. Also as a clarinetist and bass clarinetist, he played on many festivals including KotorArt, Bar Summer Festival, Budva Theatre City, KlarinetFest Kotor (which has been supported by Buffet Crampon for years) of which he is the co-founder and the director. KlarinetFest is well noticed by clarinetists from country and region. Academy of Music in Cetinje invited him to be engaged in VIVUM project (supported by UNICEF). Since 2006 he is a member of Kotor Municipal Wind Orchestra. As a chamber musician he is actively engaged in many different ansambles.
Begović started his pedagogical carrer in 2018 at „Vida Matjan“ School of Music in Kotor. He held masteclasses at Belgrade Philarmonics, International summer camp for musicians in Strumica (N.Macedonia), KlarinetFest in Kotor, Montenegro summer camp for chamber music in Cetinje (Montenegro). Ocassionally is invited as a member of a jury on competitions including State competition for secondary school students in the field of music, 19th Competition „Young Virtuoso“.
Damjan Begović plays Buffet Crampon Legende instruments.