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Chastine Hofmeister


Clarinette solo, The Allen Philharmonic, Professeur de clarinette, Collin College, Clarinette basse, Orchestre symphonique d'Irving, Clarinette basse, Orchestre symphonique de San Angelo, Deuxième clarinette, orchestre symphonique de Monroe, Deuxième clarinette, l'orchestre symphonique de Longview

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Chastine Hofmeister est clarinette principale de l'Allen Philharmonic et professeur de clarinette au Collin College. Elle est également deuxième clarinette des orchestres symphoniques de Longview et de Monroe, ainsi que clarinette basse des orchestres symphoniques d'Irving et de San Angelo. Chastine est une interprète passionnée et a également joué avec l'orchestre symphonique de Dallas, l'orchestre philharmonique de Louisiane, l'orchestre symphonique de Plano, l'orchestre de chambre de Dallas, les vents de Dallas, l'orchestre philharmonique d'Abilene, l'orchestre symphonique de Las Colinas, l'orchestre symphonique de Midland-Odessa, l'orchestre symphonique de l'est du Texas, l'orchestre symphonique de Wichita Falls, l'orchestre symphonique du sud de l'Arkansas, et a été précédemment chef d'orchestre par intérim de l'orchestre symphonique du nord-ouest de l'Arkansas. Elle aime écrire et a récemment publié des articles dans The Clarinet Journal et Pan Pipes Journal. Chastine est une artiste Buffet Crampon et joue exclusivement sur des clarinettes Buffet.
Ses principaux professeurs ont été Greg Raden, Chris Runk et Rena Feller. Chastine a participé à des classes de maître avec des interprètes de renom tels que Yehuda Gilad, Ixi Chen, Richie Hawley, Chris Pell, Donald Montanaro, Robert Spring et Anthony Gigliotti. Elle s'est produite dans plusieurs festivals de musique, dont le Bravo ! Vail Music Festival, Sewanee Summer Music Festival et Domain Forget.
Elle a obtenu une licence et une maîtrise en clarinette à l'université du Texas du Nord. Pendant ses études à l'université du Texas du Nord, elle a bénéficié d'une bourse d'interprétation et a joué avec l'orchestre symphonique à vent et l'orchestre de chambre du Texas du Nord. Pendant son séjour au sein de la Wind Symphony, elle a enregistré sous le label Klavier et dans le cadre de projets éducatifs du GIA.
Chastine est membre de l'American Federation of Musicians, de l'International Clarinet Association, de la National Federation of State High School Associations, de la Sigma Alpha Iota Music Fraternity for Women et de la Pi Kappa Lambda National Music Honor Society. Pendant son temps libre, elle aime courir des marathons, faire de la pâtisserie et jardiner. Elle vit à Dallas, au Texas, avec son mari Jason, leur cockatiel Gustav et leurs chiens Grover et Boo.
Teaching Music Through Performance in Band Vol. 6 Grades 2-3
Teaching Music Through Performance in Band Vol. 6 Grades 2-3
GIA WindWorks represents a new relationship between the North Texas Wind Symphony and GIA Publications. Thanks to GIA’s generous support and commitment to wind music, it has been possible for the ensemble to continue to produce recordings of the highest quality. While the first 34 releases of the Cincinnati Wind Symphony and the North Texas Wind Symphony remain with the Klavier label, this expanded alliance consolidates all of the current projects under one publishing roof. These diverse offerings now include WindWorks, the Composer’s Collection, the Teaching Music through Performance in Band recordings, and Master Conductors, the DVD series. This growth in the catalog creates exciting possibilities and allows our artistic output to stay focused on the continued mission: to provide first-class recordings that accentuate the comprehensiveness, depth, and value of the medium and its repertoire.
GIA WindWorks 2008
Teaching Music Through Performance in Band Vol. 6 Grades 2-3
GIA WindWorks represents a new relationship between the North Texas Wind Symphony and GIA Publications. Thanks to GIA’s generous support and commitment to wind music, it has been possible for the ensemble to continue to produce recordings of the highest quality. While the first 34 releases of the Cincinnati Wind Symphony and the North Texas Wind Symphony remain with the Klavier label, this expanded alliance consolidates all of the current projects under one publishing roof. These diverse offerings now include WindWorks, the Composer’s Collection, the Teaching Music through Performance in Band recordings, and Master Conductors, the DVD series. This growth in the catalog creates exciting possibilities and allows our artistic output to stay focused on the continued mission: to provide first-class recordings that accentuate the comprehensiveness, depth, and value of the medium and its repertoire.
GIA WindWorks 2007
Urban Dreams
Urban Dreams
GIA WindWorks represents a new relationship between the North Texas Wind Symphony and GIA Publications. Thanks to GIA’s generous support and commitment to wind music, it has been possible for the ensemble to continue to produce recordings of the highest quality. While the first 34 releases of the Cincinnati Wind Symphony and the North Texas Wind Symphony remain with the Klavier label, this expanded alliance consolidates all of the current projects under one publishing roof. These diverse offerings now include WindWorks, the Composer’s Collection, the Teaching Music through Performance in Band recordings, and Master Conductors, the DVD series. This growth in the catalog creates exciting possibilities and allows our artistic output to stay focused on the continued mission: to provide first-class recordings that accentuate the comprehensiveness, depth, and value of the medium and its repertoire.
GIA WindWorks 2007
Urban Dreams
GIA WindWorks represents a new relationship between the North Texas Wind Symphony and GIA Publications. Thanks to GIA’s generous support and commitment to wind music, it has been possible for the ensemble to continue to produce recordings of the highest quality. While the first 34 releases of the Cincinnati Wind Symphony and the North Texas Wind Symphony remain with the Klavier label, this expanded alliance consolidates all of the current projects under one publishing roof. These diverse offerings now include WindWorks, the Composer’s Collection, the Teaching Music through Performance in Band recordings, and Master Conductors, the DVD series. This growth in the catalog creates exciting possibilities and allows our artistic output to stay focused on the continued mission: to provide first-class recordings that accentuate the comprehensiveness, depth, and value of the medium and its repertoire.
GIA WindWorks 2007
Teaching Music through Performance in Band - Vol. 6, Grades 4-5
Teaching Music through Performance in Band - Vol. 6, Grades 4-5
This CD set contains premier recordings of all Grade 4 selections analyzed in Teaching Music through Performance in Band, Volume 6 and selected Grade 5 works.
GIA WindWorks 2006
Teaching Music through Performance in Band - Vol. 6, Grades 4-5
Altered States
Altered States
GIA WindWorks represents a new relationship between the North Texas Wind Symphony and GIA Publications. Thanks to GIA’s generous support and commitment to wind music, it has been possible for the ensemble to continue to produce recordings of the highest quality. While the first 34 releases of the Cincinnati Wind Symphony and the North Texas Wind Symphony remain with the Klavier label, this expanded alliance consolidates all of the current projects under one publishing roof. These diverse offerings now include WindWorks, the Composer’s Collection, the Teaching Music through Performance in Band recordings, and Master Conductors, the DVD series. This growth in the catalog creates exciting possibilities and allows our artistic output to stay focused on the continued mission: to provide first-class recordings that accentuate the comprehensiveness, depth, and value of the medium and its repertoire.
GIA WindWorks 2006
Altered States
Klavier Records 2006
Teaching Music Through Performance in Band Vol. 5, Grades 4-5
Teaching Music Through Performance in Band Vol. 5, Grades 4-5
GIA WindWorks represents a new relationship between the North Texas Wind Symphony and GIA Publications. Thanks to GIA’s generous support and commitment to wind music, it has been possible for the ensemble to continue to produce recordings of the highest quality. While the first 34 releases of the Cincinnati Wind Symphony and the North Texas Wind Symphony remain with the Klavier label, this expanded alliance consolidates all of the current projects under one publishing roof. These diverse offerings now include WindWorks, the Composer’s Collection, the Teaching Music through Performance in Band recordings, and Master Conductors, the DVD series. This growth in the catalog creates exciting possibilities and allows our artistic output to stay focused on the continued mission: to provide first-class recordings that accentuate the comprehensiveness, depth, and value of the medium and its repertoire.
GIA WindWorks 2006
Teaching Music Through Performance in Band Vol. 5, Grades 4-5
Klavier Records 2005