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Fumie Endo


Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa musician.

Fumie Endo graduated Tokyo University of the Arts and received a scholarship to go to the USA, completing a master’s at Stony Brook University Music Department in New York State University. She was chosen for the 63rd Japan Music Competition, and has won the E. Nakamichi Award. She has also won 3rd place in the 4th Japan National Clarinet Competition. Endo was a semi-finalist in the clarinet section of the 53rd Geneva International Music Competition, and was awarded a diploma. She won 1st place in the 15th Japan Wind and Percussion Competition. She has made an appearance on NHK’s “FM Recital.” To date, she has held nine recitals in New York, Tokyo, and Yokohama. She currently plays clarinet for Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa, while also engaging in solo and chamber music as well. She serves as a specialist lecturer at Yamanashi Gakuin University and as a part-time arts teacher at Ishikawa Prefectural Kanazawa Tatsumigaoka High School. She has studied under Fumio Denda, Yuji Murai, Yoshiaki Suzuki, Fumiko Oshima, and Charles Neidich. Endo graduated Tokyo University of the Arts and received a scholarship to go to the USA, completing a master’s at Stony Brook University Music Department in New York State University. She has won numerous awards in Japanese competitions, including first place at the 15th Japan Wind and Percussion Competition. She was also a semi-finalist in the clarinet section of the 53rd Geneva International Music Competition, and was awarded a diploma. She currently plays clarinet for Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa, while also engaging in solo and chamber music as well. As a member of Ensemble Contemporary α, she also actively engages with contemporary music.
Elle est chargée de cours spécialisée à l’Université Yamanashi Gakuin et professeur d’arts à temps partiel au lycée préfectoral Kanazawa Tatsumigaoka d’Ishikawa. Elle a étudié avec Fumio Denda, Yuji Murai, Yoshiaki Suzuki, Fumiko Oshima et Charles Neidich. Endo est diplômée de l’Université des arts de Tokyo et a reçu une bourse pour aller aux États-Unis, complétant une maîtrise au département de musique de l’Université de Stony Brook à l’Université d’État de New York. Elle a remporté de nombreux prix dans des compétitions japonaises, y compris la première place à la 15e Japan Wind and Percussion Competition. Elle a également été demi-finaliste dans la section clarinette du 53e Concours international de musique de Genève et a reçu un diplôme. Elle joue actuellement de la clarinette pour l’Orchestre Ensemble Kanazawa, tout en s’adonnant à la musique solo et de chambre. En tant que membre de l’Ensemble Contemporary α, elle s’engage également activement dans la musique contemporaine.