Kimie Shigematsu
Former New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra principal player and part-time lecturer at Tokyo College of Music.
Kimie Shigematsu graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts and completed a graduate program there as well. She has studied clarinet with Yuji Murai, Yoshiaki Suzuki, Masaharu Yamamoto, and Kozo Ishibashi. She has performed a graduation concert sponsored by the Dosei-kai. Joining the Geidai Philharmonia Orchestra helped her move to Germany, where she studied under Ulf Rodenhauser in Dusseldorf. She has given NHK FM recitals, appeared in the JT Chamber Music series, performed at music festivals like the Kurashiki music festival and Miyazaki International Music Festival, and played with the Mito Chamber Orchestra. She is a former New Japan Philharmonic principal player. She teaches part-time at Tokyo College of Music.